Spiderman gay sex comic

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“Somewhere, there’s a little kid who doesn’t think he can be a superhero because he's gay,” she said. Her affection for Harley Quinn grew even more last year when the character once known as Joker's sidekick married Poison Ivy - another female antagonist - in 2020's dystopian 'Injustice: Year Zero' series. It's a character Poole has enjoyed since she was a teen. Watch Video: 5 superheroes who brought diversity in 2021Īmelia Poole has lost count of how many comic book conventions she’s attended.ĭonning a handmade black-and-red jumpsuit and carrying a giant mallet stamped with the deceptively slapstick words 'Your face here,' the Orlando woman attends as Harley Quinn, a DC Comics character with a knack for bad jokes and satirical violence.

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